Alphabet Soup Legislation: PAMA - AUC - CDS - QPP. Oh My!

Alphabet Soup Legislation: PAMA - AUC - CDS - QPP. Oh My!
Original presentation date: Sept. 14, 2021

In radiology, we are always balancing the unending regulations that impact our practices and at times it all seems like we are staring into alphabet soup. Currently, we are brushing off our file for the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) of 2014. Your practices are also preparing to implement the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) with Clinical Decision Support (CDS). While we have gotten ready multiple times for the final implementation 2022 looks like a Go!

In the meantime, the Quality Payment Plan (QPP) continues to evolve, and we have had to adjust to the continuous changes especially as we look for measures that are relevant and maximize our quality points.

So, what does this all mean? In this session, hear the latest update on PAMA, AUC, and QPP and the steps you need to take to ensure compliance. Walk away with tips so you are confidentially preparing your practice not only Ready but Set to Go! Brush off your files, jot down some notes, concerns, or thoughts and attend the session to have your questions answered.
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