A History of the Radiology Business Management Association

Outlined chronologically, the following is a synopsis of RBMA’s history along with the corresponding president.
Founded with the support and direction of the American College of Radiology (ACR), the first steering committee met in Chicago under the guidance of Dr. Calhoun. Dr. Calhoun’s business manager, Maxine Williams, took over as director of the organization.

Three committees worked on and distributed a bi-monthly newsletter.
President: Ben Stephens, Jr. 1970-1971  

Hospital-based “radiologically oriented” administrators were eligible for RBMA membership.
President: Frank Mackel 1971-1972  

RBMA regional sections were created. The Midwest was the first regional section to develop, followed by the South, West and East respectively.
President: Norman Bonds 1972-1973  

RBMA members began meeting on an annual basis.
President: Robert C. Wallace 1973-1974  

250 members and regional sections became an official part of the organizational structure.
President: Ray Howard 1974-1975  

Continuing Education Committee was formed to develop a program of education that would lead to certification of radiology business managers.
President: Gordon Eagye 1975-1976  

A program was put in place for retired members. 
President: June Martin 1976-1977 

Monthly circulation of the RBMA newsletter commenced.
President: Richard M. Boblit 1977-1978 

A reimbursement policy for Regional Directors was put in place; RBMA passed on a proposed merger with MGMA and creating a state chapter program.
President: Herbert Shrier 1978-1979 


Educational fund for financial assistance to its regional meetings was authorized.
President: Tom J. Johnson, Jr. 1979-1980

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